Composting in Winnipeg

We are delighted that so many fruit owners have a compost bin in their backyard. After all, there is always some fruit that cannot be used for human consumption when we’re out at a picking location, so we need to make sure that the fruit still goes to good use – such as being composted!

I think this apple would be better of in the compost bin than in your tummy.

Not everyone knows how to compost, however, and that’s where Green Action Centre comes in. Check out these articles for more information about the basics of composting, options for compost bins, and a Master Composter course available right here in Winnipeg:

  • Basics of Composting: how to get started at home, what you can and cannot put in the compost bin, how to feed your compost, and the roles of water and air in your composting project.
  • Compost Bin Options: what to look for when you buy or build a compost bin – you can even have a compost bin in your apartment!
  • Master Composter Program: available in September and October this year, this is a free program offering hands-on experience to train volunteers on composting so that they can go out there and help others compost. Application and reference forms are required to participate in this program.

How much do you know about composting? Do you have a compost bin in your backyard? Share your composting tips in the comments section below!