Posts Tagged ‘Mark Klassen’

Learn how to compost

Composting is an integral part of Fruit Share. At each picking location, once the fruit has been divided into thirds (for each the volunteers, the homeowners and a local charitable organization), we compost anything that is inedible. We are delighted to note that many homeowners have compost bins on-site, but there are also public compost bins available in different areas of the city.

If you’ve ever wondered what is involved in composting, how it works and how you can get the most from your compost, you should definitely check out this July 19 workshop, co-hosted by and Urban Eatin’ Gardeners Worker Co-op. Adrienne Percy of and Mark Klassen of Urban Eatin’ are both extremely knowledgeable in food policy and growing local food, respectively (and they are also lovely individuals to boot!). It looks like it will be a fantastic workshop, so sign up today if you would like to learn more about composting and how you can reap the benefits of household waste!